Press conference with the Russian opposition leader

Press conference (live stream):
Russia, democracy and the rule of law with opposition leader Boris Nemtsov

When: Wednesday, 16 February – 14.00-30[:]

Where: Press room, European Parliament, Strasbourg


With: Boris Nemtsov (Russian opposition leader)*, chair of the EP subcommittee on human rights Heidi Hautala, and Green MEP Werner Schulz, deputy chair of the EP Russia delegation

With Russian prime-minister Vladimir Putin set to visit Brussels later this month (24 February) and in the context of a European Parliament debate the rule of law in Russia (Tuesday, 15 February), the Greens/EFA group is hosting a press conference with Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov.

* Boris Nemtsov is a leader of the Russian democratic opposition, a former deputy prime-minister of Russia and a former deputy speaker of the Russian parliament. In December 2008 he became one of the leaders of “Solidarity”, a new pro-democracy opposition movement which also includes Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Bukovsky, Lev Ponomarev and other prominent figures. In December 2010 Boris Nemtsov, Mikhail Kasyanov, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Vladimir Milov established opposition party – Party of people’s freedom.
