Heidi Hautala onnittelee uutta Euroopan oikeusasiamiestä

Euroopan parlamentti valitsi 15.1.2003 Kreikan nykyisen oikeusasiamiehen Nikiforos Diamandouroksen Euroopan oikeusasiamihen Jacob Södermanin seuraajaksi 1.4.2003 lähtien. Heidi Hautala oli yksi Diamandouroksen tukijoista ja on tyytyväinen parlamentin äänestystulokseen. Heidi uskoo Diamandouroksen jatkavan oikeusasiamiehen tärkeää työtä Södermanin luomalta vahvalta perustalta ja kehittää instituutiota edelleen hyvän hallinnon ja kansalaisten oikeuksien vartijana.[:]

Alla englanninkielinen Greens/EFA -ryhmän tiedote:

Strasbourg, 15 January 2003,

Greek candidate elected

Greens/EFA welcome new Ombudsman

The Green/EFA group in the European Parliament today welcomed the election of Diamandorous as new Ombudsman of the European Union, who was supported by a large majority of the Green/EFA group.

Jean Lambert MEP (UK), Vice-President of the group said after the vote:

“By voting for Nikiforos Diamandorous the European Parliament has made an excellent choice. The Parliament was presented with many competent candidates, so it was a difficult decision. The election process was very fair and concentrated on competencies and actual issues. Diamandorous certainly will make a big contribution towards the protection of citizens’ rights by building on the work of his predecessor Jakob Söderman. He has already proved his outstanding capacities by successfully building up the institution of the Ombudsman in Greece.”

Heidi Hautala MEP (Finland) added:

“With this election, a competent person from a Southern EU member state is following a competent person from the North of the European Union, which shows that the same values of good administration and rule of law are shared throughout the European Union. Beyond the classical role of the Ombudsman, which is promoting good administration, Nikiforos Diamandorous will have to meet the expectations of citizens in the enlargement countries that he be a dedicated protector of their human rights. I find it encouraging that the new Ombudsman has empahsised that this is not only a challenge but also an opportunity.”

For further information please contact:

Helmut Weixler
Head of Press Office
The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
Tel: (Bxl) +32 2 2844683
phone: 0032 475 671 340
fax: 0032 2 2844944
mobile phone: 0032-475-67 13 40
